The following is a list of references that may be helpful in reviewing for the examination. This listing is intended for use as a study aid only. WIP – FIPP Board of Examination does not intend the list to imply endorsement of these specific references, nor are the examination items taken from these sources.
1999 Physicians Desk Reference (53rd ed). Montvale, NJ: Medical Economics. American Pain Society. (1999).
American Pain Society. (1999). Principles of Analgesic Use in the Treatment of Acute Pain and Cancer Pain (4th ed.). Glenview, IL.
Aronoff, G.M. (1998). Evaluation and Treatment of Chronic Pain (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Lippencott, Williams & Wilkins.
Bonica, J.J. (Ed). (1990). The Management of Pain (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.
Braddom, R.L. (1996) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co.
Brown, D.L. (1992). Atlas of Regional Anesthesia. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co.
Cousins, M.J., & Bridenbaugh, P.O. (Eds.). (1998). Neural Blockade (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company.
Fields, H.L (1996). Core Curriculum for Professional Education in Pain (2nd ed.). Seattle: IASP Press.
Fricton, J.R., & Awad, E.A. (1990). Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia. New York: Raven Press, Ltd.
Neuralgia: Current Concepts of Pathogenesis and Treatment. Stoneham, MA: Butterworths.
Goodman, L.S., Limbird, L.E., (Eds.) et al. (1996). Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (9th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill Text.
Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society. (1988). Classification and diagnostic Criteria for Headache Disorders, Cranial neuralgias and Facial Pain. Cephalalgia, 9(Suppl.7), 12-96.
Raj, P.P. (Ed.). (2000) Practical Management of Pain (3rd ed.). Chicago: Mosby Year Book Publishers.
Raj, P.P. (Ed.). (2002) Textbook of Regional Anesthesia, Churchill Livingston
Raj, P.P., Lou, L, Erdine S, Staats P. (Eds). (2002) Radiographic Imaging of Regional Anesthesia and Interventional Techniques.
Raj, P.P, Erdine S. (2012) Pain-relieving Procedures: The Illustrated Guide. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
Saper, J.R., Silberstein, S., Gordon, C.D., & Hamel R.L. (1993). Handbook of Headache Management.Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
Sinatra, R.S., Hord, A.H., Ginsberg, B., & Peeble, L.M. (1992). Acute Pain Mechanisms and Management. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book.
Travell, J., & Simons, D.G. (1998). Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual, Vol. 1 and 2 (2nd ed.). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins
Van Zundert J, Patijn J, Hartrick C, Lataster A, Huygen F, Mekhail van Kleef M (Eds.). (2012). Evidence-based Interventional Pain Practice: According to Clinical Diagnoses. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
Waldman, S.D. (1998). Atlas of Interventional Pain Management. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co.
Wall, P.D., & Melzack, R. (Eds.) (1994) Textbook of Pain. (3rd ed.). Edinburgh, Scotland: Churchill Livingstone.
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