Join WIP in Istanbul this October for the 5th Interventional Pain Istanbul Pain Congress, Cadaver Workshop and FIPP/CIPS Exams!

It is again a great pleasure and honour for us to welcome you all to the 5th Interventional Pain Istanbul, Pain Congress and Cadaver Workshop endorsed by World Institute of Pain and organized by WIP Turkish Registered Section in Istanbul, Turkey to be held between 21-23 October 2022. This year we will have two days […]
Last chance to register for the upcoming Intergrated Workshop and FIPP & CIPS Exam in Orlando starting tomorrow: 8th April

Last chance to register for the upcoming Intergrated Workshop and FIPP & CIPS Exam in Orlando starting tomorrow: 8th April. For more details, Lectures, Faculty and Workshop Agenda go to: #wip #WorldInstituteOfPain #fippexam #cipsexam #wiporlando2022 Sponsored by:GE HealthcareFujifilm SonositeRegenexxEpimedMedtronicElliquenceSaluda Medical
A few more days to register for the upcoming Intergrated Workshop and FIPP & CIPS Exam in Orlandothis weekend: 8-10 April

A few more days to register for the upcoming Intergrated Workshop and FIPP & CIPS Exam in Orlandothis weekend: 8-10 April. For more details, Lectures, Faculty and Workshop Agenda go to: #wip #WorldInstituteOfPain #fippexam #cipsexam #wiporlando2022 Sponsored by:GE HealthcareFujifilm SonositeRegenexxEpimedMedtronicElliquenceSaluda Medical
FIPP and CIPS Preparatory Course Agenda at the Intergrated Workshop and FIPP & CIPS Exam in Orlando

Check out the FIPP and CIPS Preparatory Course Agenda at the Intergrated Workshop and FIPP & CIPS Exam in Orlando coming up this weekend here: FIPP: CIPS: #wip #WorldInstituteOfPain #fippexam #cipsexam #wiporlando2022 Sponsored by:GE HealthcareFujifilm SonositeRegenexxEpimedMedtronicElliquenceSaluda Medical
More hands-on time than ever at the Orlando Integrated Workshop next weekend.

More hands-on time than ever at the Orlando Integrated Workshop next weekend. Listen to the pre-recorded lectures as many times as you want to maximize the benefits of the hands-on time. Come and join us, it will be great to see you all in person! #wip #WorldInstituteOfPain #fippexam #cipsexam #wiporlando2022 Sponsored by:GE HealthcareFujifilm SonositeRegenexxEpimedMedtronicElliquenceSaluda Medical
Integrated Workshop in Orlando 8-10 April: designated for a maximum of 18 AMA PRA Category 1 credits by the Texas Pain Society

The Integrated Workshop in Orlando 8-10 April was designated for a maximum of 18 AMA PRA Category 1 credits by the Texas Pain Society. #wip #WorldInstituteOfPain #fippexam #cipsexam #wiporlando2022 Sponsored by:GE Healthcare Fujifilm Sonosite Regenexx Epimed Medtronic Elliquence Saluda Medical
Talk to the Regenexx team at the upcoming WIP Workshop in Orlando

Did you know? 7 out of 10 orthopaedic surgeries without fracture-related care could have been avoided with a Regenexx procedure. Talk to the Regenexx team and see how your patients might benefit from this procedure at the upcoming WIP Workshop in Orlando 8-10 April: #regenexx#interventionalorthopedics #chronicpain#orthopedicpain#sportsinjuryrecovery#stemcell#prp #wip #WorldInstituteOfPain #fippexam #cipsexam #wiporlando2022
Meet The Faculty of the upcoming Intergrated Workshop and FIPP & CIPS Exam

Meet The Faculty of the upcoming Intergrated Workshop and FIPP & CIPS Exam in Orlando 8-10 April. #wip #WorldInstituteOfPain #fippexam #cipsexam #wiporlando2022 Sponsored by: GE HealthcareFujifilm SonositeRegenexx Epimed Medtronic Elliquence Saluda Medical
Meet Saluda Medical at the WIP Orlando Workshop 8-10 April

Saluda Medical Receives FDA Approval for the Evoke® Spinal Cord Stimulation System to Treat Chronic Intractable Pain. Saluda Medical is a global company revolutionizing the field of neuromodulation with an emerging portfolio of therapies driven by advanced closed-loop technologies designed to treat debilitating neurological disorders. The company’s first product, the Evoke® System, is the only […]
Philip Peng, MD – Lecture: Update on Deep Gluteal Syndrome: Is It just Another Name of Piriformis Syndrome

CIPS PREPARATORY COURSE – HIGHLIGHT Philip Peng, MD from Canada will give you an update on Deep Gluteal Syndrome: Is It just Another Name of Piriformis Syndrome? Dr. Peng is the Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology of University of Toronto. He is a leader, researcher, educator and pioneer in the application of ultrasound for […]