World Institute of Pain

FIPP & CIPS Exam 2023 – Hands-On Practical Workshops and Pre-Recorded Lectures

FIPP & CIPS Exam 2023

Are you planning to take the FIPP and/or CIPS exam in 2023? Take advantage of the 2 full-day hands-on practical workshops and pre-recorded lectures to prepare for the examinations. FIPP Practical Workshop Program: CIPS Practical Workshop Program:

April 10, 2022, the last day of the WIP Integrated Workshop and FIPP & CIPS Exam in Orlando

FIPP and CIPS Exam in Orlando Florida

Thinking of taking the FIPP or CIPS exam? The next opportunity will be on Sunday, April 10, 2022, the last day of the WIP Integrated Workshop and FIPP & CIPS Exam in Orlando. The FIPP Examination will be available in English, Spanish & Portuguese. Application deadline: March 6. More info and registration: #wip #fippexam […]